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Are you planning a summer kids camp trip for your students? If yes, it’s important to have a proper plan of action. First, determine the camping location, and decide whether or not the trip will be on a day time or overnight program.

Should you settle for an overnight camp, there will be numerous other things to consider. These include accommodation and meals. If the majority of the participants prefer a day camping option you’ll need to hire a reliable transportation service. Further, you’ll have to get volunteers who will be tasked with supervising the kids. The final step will be calculating the total amount each participant should contribute.

What other factors should you consider? Read on to find out. We’ll also establish why you should go summer camping in Switzerland. 

What to Include in Your Summer Kids Camp Program

· Camp Games

Assuming the summer kids camp will be an overnight stay, you’ll want to have enough activities to keep the kids occupied. Remember, these should be different from the main theme in your program. Choose fun and interesting indoor games depending on the kid’s ages.

The kids can participate in some of these activities in the evening around a campfire. These can include storytelling, stargazing, and engaging in nighttime photography.

Some of the activities the kids can enjoy during the day include scavenger hunting, relays, and sack racing. Games are simple and precise strategies that you can use to help the kids relax. They also help the children bond while encouraging them to work together as a team. 

· Summer Kids Camp Themes


When you’re planning a summer kids camp trip, have a child-friendly theme. This will help the participants know what to expect from the. Sharing the theme early enough helps participants make changes depending on their needs and expectations.

Some themes you can include in your program include adventure, swimming, fishing, art and craft, and hiking. You can have the kids choose their themes in advance. This will help you decide what you should amend or eliminate. 

· Assign Free Time

Usually, summer kid’s camping events are attended by many children from different parts of the world. Still, you want to include free time in the program. Kids can use this time to meditate, connect with themselves, or make new friends.

One of the best ways children can use their free time is by writing their opinion about summer camp. They can even have a diary where they write their daily activities. Remember, summer is the time when you should let the children free to do things on their own. However, you should encourage them where necessary. 

· Include a Special Day

Consider including a special day in your summer kids camp program. This can be a get-together party, or a talent and cultural day. Here, kids will get a chance to showcase their tradition and culture and learn about other cultures too. For the talent day, kids will be tasked with showcasing their skills such as dancing, playing the guitar, painting, and singing. 

· Counselors

When planning a summer kid’s camp program, consider having doctors and counsellors on board. Some camps have them on board, meaning you don’t have to outsource them while camping.

This is one of the reasons you should consider camping in Les Elfes. The camp that runs round the year has been in existence for more than 30 years. Campers enjoy a wide range of fun and exciting activities. What’s more, the staffs strive to give campers a memorable experience.

Why are counsellors and doctors important for a summer kids camping trip? Sometimes kids will experience homesickness especially if they’re camping for the first time. Some kids who perform dismally in camp may be depressed and this is where a counsellor or doctor comes in.

These experts play a huge role in helping the kids feel comfortable. Counsellors also observe children’s behavioral patterns and collaborate with the organizers to bring out the best in a kid. This helps boost the quality of the summer kid camp experience.

· Adventure Sports

Adventure Sports

Adventure sports are interesting and fun activities that children look out for when camping. Include various sports such as river crossing, rock climbing, paragliding, and snorkeling in your summer kids camp program. These adventurous sports require specialized equipment which you can buy.

However, you don’t have to go through the hassle of choosing the best equipment for your kids. Les Elfes has this equipment which you can hire for reasonable prices. Remember, kids will need supervision while engaging in these sports. The camp has qualified experts but you can also bring your preferred supervisor.

Ensure children only participate in sports they like. Rather than forcing them to participate in activities, they are scared of, encourage them. This can help enhance their morale to participate. You can also allow them to participate in the activity under the supervision of an adult. This will help improve their confidence.  

· Art Day

An art day is a must-have in a summer kids camp. Children can learn painting, pottery, and even drawing. You can encourage the kids to decorate parts of the camp depending on their preferences. Further, you could organize an exhibition to showcase different crafts made by the children. A summer kids camp gratitude string or wall can also come in handy. Hang all the crafts the kids make on the string or tape them along the wall. Use colorful clips to achieve an appealing end result. 

Why choose Switzerland for a Summer Kids Camp

Summer Kids Camp

Switzerland is a great summer vacation destination that your kids will love visiting. There are many reasons why you should include the country in your summer kids camp program. For instance, campers get a chance to camp outdoors by scenic lakes, mountains, and forests.

Switzerland boasts some of the best natural sceneries across Europe. From the Alpine territory to the serene forests and green plains, this country is a sanctuary for nature lovers. Whether you’re outgoing or reserved, Switzerland is a fun place where you can enjoy a wide range of interesting activities.


Summer brings about excitement where both children and adults look forward to go camping and engage in fun outdoor activities. Use these tips to create a summer kids camp program that your children will love, and remember many years after.