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Field trips are not only exciting and academically beneficial, but they also give students great experiences and indelible memories. 

Regardless of the benefits, some schools encounter budget reductions. This means that accessing admission to cultural centers, historical museums, and other attraction sites can be almost impossible. 

Various tips can help you understand what goes into planning a field trip checklist. In this post we shall discuss:

  • How to plan a field trip
  • Checklist for teachers and parents to ensure that students have everything they need to make the trip a success 

About Field Trips

Many times, field trips are not given proper consideration in the educational curriculum. Today, however, many schools are realizing the importance of field trips and incorporating them into the school program.

Les Elfes offers field trips for students from different parts of the world. There are numerous things for your students to learn at this resort as seen below.



There are various sports activities for the students to engage in. They will learn how to use different sports equipment and gain the confidence to attempt a vast range of sporting activities. 

Team Building and Social Skills

Les Elfes organizes field trips that bring together students from across the world. This creates an ideal environment for them to mingle, get to know one another, and make friends. By working together, the students can strengthen their team spirit. 

Individual Development

Field trips at Les Elfes are exceptional experiences that help promote both group and individual development.

Can Students Benefit from Attending International Field Trips?

Yes. There are numerous benefits of attending field trips overseas which include:

·         Enhanced Self Awareness

The world is fast becoming a global village thanks to the internet. However, experiencing a different country with different cultures and exciting scenery is marveling. 

It allows students a better experience than they would achieve from watching videos or looking at photographs. 

·         Enhanced Cultural Awareness and Appreciation

Going for an overseas school trip enables students to discover and embrace different cultures. They can learn a new language, various customs, and sample a wide range of food options. Further, they get to develop relationships with different people. 

·         Attempting New Things

Many parents struggle with encouraging their children to try new things. A field trip is an excellent way of getting the kids all excited to attempt new things.

These include: learning a new sport or language, sampling new food, discovering the new country, and discovering different methods of traveling. 

How to Plan a Field Trip

Understanding the process of planning a field trip is crucial. Teachers who are preparing to take students for an outdoor learning experience can benefit from this skill. Here is how to go about it.

·         Choose Your Preferred Location

Deciding where you want to go can be an arduous task especially if you have various choices. Involve your students and colleagues in assessing and weighing your options.

Consider places that focus on enhancing your curriculum objectives. Further, you need to conduct extensive research to figure out the practicality of your ideas.

Assess the cost involved and the services you and your students will enjoy.

Enquire about their operational schedule. This will help you determine whether they will be open for business when you visit.

Remember, you can always ask your students for their preferred locations and activities they would like to engage in. 

·         Why Choose Les Elfes?

les-elfes for activities

While Les Elfes is a ski resort, there are various other activities you can engage in. Apart from having trained and experienced staff, there are state-of-the-art facilities designed to maximize your learning experience.

Further, there are stringent safety standards in place to protect each student. You can be assured that your child will be safe throughout the trip.

Located in Verbier, one of the largest and most popular ski areas in Switzerland, numerous students visit the resort every year.

Guides will help students to navigate their way through the expansive resort.

·         Plan

Planning is a crucial step if you are to achieve a successful field trip. What’s more, you will need to exercise caution when planning a field trip checklist to ensure you have all your essentials.

Often, student-based field trips involve going outside the school compound and discovering a new environment.

Consider the age group of your students and establish what they expect from the trip.

For instance, if you are traveling with young students, consider taking them over to the park. Here, they will have all the freedom and space to engage in their preferred activities.

·         Older Children

If you are dealing with older children, chances are that their field trip will be integrated with a particular learning goal. For these trips to succeed, you should work harder to collect the required materials, to facilitate activities. 

You will also need to:

  • Obtain approval from the administration
  • Visit your preferred location beforehand to assess the area and designate different places for your planned tasks, and
  • Come up with a program of activities

Prepare Your Students for the Trip

Studies suggest that students will learn more from a field trip if they can relate it with classroom lessons.

Are you dealing with older students? Try to incorporate activities relating to the field trip in some of your lessons before the trip.

Establish various trip-related activities that you and the students will use on-site or during your post-trip practice.

Where possible, create a video detailing the location you will be attending. For the ultimate experience, students shouldn’t carry their gadgets. This way, they will be fully immersed in the activities of the day. 

·         Lunch


If the students have to carry packed lunch, have them pack it in brown bags that they can easily recycle on-site. This is one way of teaching them how to be responsible when it comes to taking care of the environment. 

Proper Dressing

Monitor the weather and ensure the students dress in appropriate and comfortable gear. If you will be going for a one day trip, ensure all students eat a heavy breakfast. You can have them carry snacks to consume before lunchtime. 

Ensure Everyone Understands the Rules

Apart from planning a field trip checklist, you should also need to come up with rules for the field trip.

Focus on behavior conduct and discipline during the trip. Make copies of the rules and have the older students sign.

If you are dealing with younger students, train them in advance on acceptable practices during the field trip.

Place the students in small groups and have designated chaperones in advance. Where possible, you can even request their parents to become chaperones to enhance student discipline. 

Exercise Caution when Choosing Your Chaperone


You won’t be everywhere to monitor the students. This is why you will need trustworthy chaperones.

Send them letters requesting for their volunteering services in advance. Follow up-to confirm attendance before finally including them in your list.

Try to have three extra chaperones to act as backups just in case one fails to show up. Take the chaperones through an orientation process to ensure they are conversant with their responsibilities.

Discuss what you expect from them and make sure they are up to the task. Finally, ensure each chaperone has:

  • Name tags for all students and fellow chaperones
  • Enough label grocery bags that they can utilize to carry lunch and other items for their group
  • The rules, itinerary, a list of all students in individual groups, and the field trip organizer’s phone number

Planning a Field Trip Checklist for Teachers and Students

Whether you are a teacher or a parent, planning a field trip checklist helps you know the things you need.

The checklist comes in handy to ensure that you and your students have everything you need for the field trip. Many people struggle with planning a field trip checklist.

Here are checklist examples to make the process easier. 


First Aid

Often, teachers are tasked with planning the field trip. This checklist will come in handy to ensure that you don’t forget crucial things.

What to pack

  • Dated and signed permission slips
  • Lunch cards or packed lunch
  • Enough money to cater for the trip’s expenses. You can either carry the student’s money or have them carry it safely in their bags
  • Student and chaperone contact details
  • First aid kit
  • Allergy forms and first aid kits
  • Equipment and gear to cater for sudden weather changes

Teachers should also have:

  • Booked the bus and obtained the driver’s contact details
  • Presented a plan for the students who will not be attending the field trip
  • Prepared a schedule for the trip and sent copies to the chaperones and parents
  • Notified the school’s administration about students who will not be attending the trip


Before your child embarks on the field trip, you want to ensure you have packed:

  • Lunch if need be
  • Pocket money for emergencies and souvenirs
  • Appropriate gear to help them cope with the weather change
  • Motion sickness medication
  • Contact details of immediate family members or guardians
  • A camera to capture the moments

Ensure you have:

  • Discussed the trip itinerary with the teacher in charge and the chaperones
  • Signed the permission slip and given it back to the trip organizers
  • Presented your contact details 
  • Ensured that your children can memorize your phone number


Field trips are not only exciting, but they also help students to interact with new people and learn different cultures. Further, it is the perfect chance to explore different locations and learn new things. As a parent, releasing your child to attend a field trip can be a daunting albeit rewarding task.