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Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus cases have been rapidly increasing across the world. In Switzerland for example, there are currently up to 1,138 deaths out of 25,688 infected people and 13,700 recoveries. The Federal Council has been encouraging residents to stay home and avoid public areas.

Camping enthusiasts, on the other hand, can’t wait for normalcy to return. Read on to find out more about the Coronavirus disease and a summer camp update. 

How to Get Help

The Covid-19 information line in Switzerland is +41 58 463 00 00 and it’s available round the clock. However, you’ll experience delays before you can speak to a representative due to the increased number of calls. Let’s look at the latest Coronavirus statistics in Switzerland.

The Coronavirus Situation in Switzerland

The first Coronavirus case in Switzerland was reported on the 25th of February. It was a man from the canton of Ticino who had previously travelled to Milan. The first Coronavirus death in the country reported on 5th March was a woman from Vaud Canton. However, the woman had suffered from a chronic disease before. 

Coronavirus Statistics in Swiss Cantons

The number of deaths resulting from coronavirus in Switzerland has decreased from 30% to 15% since the 20th of March. The most affected cantons in the country have been Ticino, Vaud, Geneva, and Zurich. 

Latest Coronavirus Updates in Switzerland 

·         8th April

The Swiss government extended the restrictions introduced on 16th March to control the spread of Covid-19 until 26th April. However, some of these restrictions will be eased gradually as time goes by. Still, the areas where these measures will be relaxed are to be presented on the 16th of April. 

·         3rd April 

Switzerland has enforced strict rules in a bid to combat the Coronavirus pandemic. For example, a big percentage of employees are now working from home. While they were reluctant in the beginning, they’re now starting to appreciate the advantages involved.

Chances are that many employees will want to continue working from home post the pandemic. As a result, employers need to be prepared to provide and enforce online working opportunities once the crisis is over. 

Will the current school year be extended? The CDIP (Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Education) has agreed that this won’t be the case. The organization further said that vacations won’t be replaced with teaching and the school calendar will remain as it is. 

·         2nd April 

While the number of new critically ill patients dropped, patients needing intensive care had increased. Another drive-in testing facility was opened in Bern canton in partnership with the Swiss Red cross.

This way, people won’t need a prescription to get tested. However, you’ll need to fill a questionnaire online to get a ticket. The exercise can be conducted as you sit inside your vehicles. Between 200 and 300 tests will be conducted every day from this facility. 

·        1st April 

According to the Chaîne du Bonheur, an 800,000 franc donation was made to the Swiss Aid for Workers. The International and cantonal institutions of pro senectute would also get a share. This donation came in handy to offer support to families that have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in Switzerland. 

·         26th March

On this date, coronavirus cases in Switzerland exceeded 10,000. On average the number of individuals testing positive were aged 52. Up to 91,400 residents had been tested by this date. Out of all the people who had been tested on this day, ten tested positive for the virus. 

·        25th March

The premier drive-through coronavirus testing facility in Switzerland opened in Lucerne. To get tested here people will need a referral from their doctor. Testing will be done through a mouth swab while people sit in their cars. The facility will conduct up to 10 tests per hour and results will be ready within a day. The drive through testing will be done at Alpenquai cantonal school. 

·         24th March

By this day Ticino canton had over 1,000 confirmed coronavirus cases out of the country’s 8,700. This placed Switzerland in second place among countries with the highest number of Covid-19 cases.

The head of crisis management in the country, Patrick Mathys announced that the country was performing up to 8,000 tests every day. As of this day, up to 71,000 people had tested negative. 

·         23rd March

On this day over 800 people tested positive for the coronavirus disease. There were more than 100 deaths. Still, representatives said the situation hadn’t yet reached alarming levels. However, the SAMW (Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences) confirmed that it would be essential to decide on rationing.

Thierry Fumeau, the president of the SSICM (Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine) said patients with a high chance of recovering would be prioritized. To determine this, officials would be considering any pre-existing health conditions and not just their age. 

·         22nd March

On this day more than 900 coronavirus cases were reported. This increased the number of confirmed coronavirus disease cases in the country to 7,014.

There were no fatalities reported. Swiss officials said that the country was struggling with a shortage of testing kits. The rapid growth of Covid-19 forced representatives to call numerous army reservists to help mobilize more than 8,000 hospital staff. 

·         21st March

More than 1,273 coronavirus cases and 18 new deaths were reported this day. This increased the number of cases by up to 25% in a single day. 

·         20th March

Daniel Koch from the health office said hospitals in Ticino canton that borders Italy were getting overwhelmed with infected patients. The Swiss government released various steps to reduce the effects of the coronavirus.

These involved banning group gatherings of over five people in public areas. Further, online shops in the country would be delivering groceries during the weekend. Berset, Swiss’s Interior Minister, declared that 32 billion francs would be available to support people affected by Covid-19. 

How long will it be Before Summer Camps Start Operating?

At the moment everything seems uncertain. Things are changing across the world with people making adjustments every day. Apart from dealing with economic fluctuations and taking care of the sick, you can no longer celebrate together with friends.

Things have changed and while we may not determine when normalcy will return, we can only hope it’ll be soon. As the world waits, many people have adjusted to doing some things differently.

For instance, some people are holding virtual meetings and meals with their friends across mobile gadgets and laptops. This brings us to our summer camp update. Officials at Les Elfes are keen on ensuring that the summer camps are ready when it’s time to go camping again.

They are currently monitoring the turn of events and will soon release an updated report on the way forward. Still, both summer camp organizers and parents need to think about various factors.

For example, will the government replace the summer holiday with learning now that schools are already closed? What about the students? Will they be excited about summer camp trips? There are many questions which we may not have answers to currently. 

What is Les Elfes doing?

With gatherings and events being rescheduled or postponed, parents aren’t willing to book summer camps in advance. Assuming you had already booked your summer camp but is unable to attend due to the ongoing pandemic you shouldn’t worry. This is because Les Elfes has eliminated cancellation fees meaning you won’t incur losses.

Now that everybody is cautious of any commitment presently, Les Elfes is doing everything possible to maintain flexibility. You can still attend once the situation stabilizes without getting penalized.

Families and schools can also opt to receive a credit voucher for the entire amount paid for the trip. What’s more, you’ll get a 10% discount for booking your summer camp trip in advance. 

The Health and Safety of Campers


The WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) have recommended social distancing as one way of curbing the spread of Covid-19. Many parents worry about the health and safety of their children during camp.

Following this pandemic, parents will elevate their expectations once normalcy returns. Officials at the Les Elfes camp have been keen to maintain high safety and health standards. In its years of existence, Les Elfes has had strategies in place to deal with an infectious disease.

This explains why the summer camp facility has succeeded in dealing with various outbreaks such as H1N1 and SARS. This succeeded by practicing proper hygiene habits and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.

Thorough and frequent hand washing has also been recommended as an appropriate preventative measure for the coronavirus. 

How will Children who’ve already had Covid-19 Benefit from Summer Camps?

Once children interact with their peers they’ll understand that they are not alone. Camps offer children an ample environment where they can engage in various fun activities.

Children will learn new skills and sharpen their already existing expertise. What’s more, they will be exposed to challenges that will help them recover from the trauma of suffering from Covid-19.

By taking part in camp trips, children learn a range of activities that can help them in their future lives. They also gain confidence in themselves. 


The world is currently on a standstill as the fight against the coronavirus pandemic continues. We hope normalcy returns soon. The good thing is that you can still book a summer camp holiday for your child in advance.

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