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Taking A Summer Language Course

A plethora students benefit from French, English, German, Spanish and Mandarin language trips, with the wide range of languages available leading to an increase in diversity of trip that are featured on our program. The beauty of language trips is that they allow students to have an immersive language learning experience which in turn offers a valuable contribution to personal development.

Taking a summer language course is beneficial because it provides students with a very worthwhile experience as well as enhances their understanding of foreign languages. In addition to this, being able to write and speak in another language is a much sought after skill in regards to their future careers. Many colleges and universities want to see students that have taken another language in their academic studies. What better way for students to learn a new language than combining sightseeing and exciting activities with a chance to practise speaking with the locals. This is the perfect introduction to the target language and culture.

True definition of a language trip

A language trip can be defined as combination of a language course and a vacation. The environment can vary from internships or traditional classrooms to field work depending on the student’s age. Our language learning course program also includes group activities and cultural study.

Les Elfes Summer Camp Switzerland language courese

All our summer language course programs are different, depending language preference, need and degree of learning. Some courses are intense, while others focus more on the holiday aspect. Students, with their parents’ guidance get to choose between a more casual program or a complete immersion experience.

Why it is important for your child to take a summer language course

Taking a summer language course is important because it offers opportunities to experience the natural environment of that language everyday. We understand and agree that language learning immersion programs are one of the best ways to learn. There are a myriad of options for students who want to combine language study and a summer vacation. This way, they get to learn language for practical purposes, to learn something about art and history or to improve their business acumen.

Letting your kid join a language trip program is convenient in that you are allowing a professional else to handle all the paperwork and logistics. This way, your kid can just focus on enjoying their adventure. Part of our job is to also check visa requirements, make all arrangements for the kids’ accommodation as well as airport transfers.

Who qualifies to take a summer language course?

The phenomenon of taking a summer language course is popular across various age groups of students. Therefore, the excursions are tailored for kids of all ages. Students go on language trips to take a break from school. This way, they get to combine their summer vacation with something productive and fun.

Benefits of a summer language course

A summer language course has plenty to offer, whether you want your kid to focus on their academic and career future or self improvement. Below are some of the benefits of taking a summer language course.

Helps to develop language skills

Summer language courses provide many language development skills. For students looking to advance their verbal and written language skills, all they need to do is choose a course on English or any other international language. In addition to this, they get to learn specific academic terms as well as develop the vocabulary they need to complete an international education.

Offers an opportunity to study in a famous international city

Part of taking a summer language course is to also experience other cultures. By studying an international language, students get a chance to study in famous countries or cosmopolitan cities including the following:

  • Shanghai
  • London
  • Paris
  • Madrid
  • Athens
  • Rotterdam
  • Spain
  • Iceland
  • France
  • Ireland
  • The US
  • The UK
  • The Netherlands
  • Among many others

By taking a summer language course you also stand a chance of discovering impressive architecture, experience great cuisines, visit excellent museums and galleries all of which offer a highly enriching experience.

Helps to support their college or university application

For high school students, selecting a summer language course can help them decide if they want to pursue a master’s or bachelor’s degree related to the subject. This way they also get to upgrade their university or college application with relevant academic achievements. Older students who are interested in learning a new language can choose a course that will prepare them for them for various college or university entrance exams. Keep in mind that any evidence of interest in a particular subject matter will prove that the student is committed to excel in their academic pursuits especially since we live in a high competitive academic environment.

It helps increase self-confidence

A great way for students to prove that they are capable and self-reliant individuals is to successfully completing a summer language course program. Students who have taken a international language course have a higher chance at succeeding in enrolling in a highly rated university or college. Additionally, the short-term experience abroad offers enough insight into your kid’s life thus challenging them to dream higher. Therefore, taking a summer language course helps students access their true potential, silence their doubts and give them the confidence to pursue their dreams.

Helps them understand independent learning

Usually, students focus on cramming as much information as their brains can especially during a demanding academic year, in order to pass their exams. And instead of encouraging students to discover their potential, most teachers concentrate more on covering their set targets. The benefit of taking a summer language course is that it places heavier emphasis on skill development as well as stimulating creativity, self-reliance and curiosity.

Quenches their thirst for knowledge

If your kid’s school doesn’t offer a particular language course that they might be interested in, then a summer language course offers students plenty of options that will quench their thirst for knowledge. Even if they don’t know what language they would like to learn, they can browse through our extensive list of summer language courses. This might even inspire them to try out new study opportunities.

Helps to make new friends

Taking a summer language school course is the perfect way setting for students to make new friends. This is because the environment is highly interactive and welcoming. Through interacting with their classmates as well as participating in social events, your kid gets a chance to start long-lasting friendships. Even if your child is shy, they will find it easier to open up all thanks to the friendly atmosphere, the acceptance of diversity, shared interests of the participants and the small study groups.

Help improve their grades

Increasing exam outcomes is one of the obvious reasons why students should take a summer language course. The extra study hours helps them improve and strengthen their knowledge of that language especially since they are studying outside of the typical school environment. Both effective and innovative learning methods may even provide them with new ideas about how they can approach learning in general. This way they also get to gain practical skills such as learning how to apply effective techniques when studying something new.

Helps them have plenty of fun

A summer language trip can be a very entertaining and exciting experience. In addition to other great opportunities to interact with like-minded students, innovative class activities can be great social icebreakers. While here, your kid gets to participate in special parties, events as well as city trips thus making their summer school trip experience an unforgettable one.

Helps them to get inspired

Different students apply for a summer language course for various reasons. Some simply want to engage in a summer school study to occupy their time during the long summer holiday. Therefore, if you want your child to benefit from a fresh idea, then a summer language course may be the best plan.

Language school trips and tours

There is no better way of reinforcing a student’s classroom-based learning than by being surrounded by native speakers, exposed to their culture and being immersed in their daily rhythms of life. When students get to visit the destination of their target language, they open up a whole new learning experience. By taking a summer language course, students get be to challenged, engaged and inspired in the practical application of the target language.

Our language enrichment experiences are designed to develop comprehension and conversational skills through a wide range of exciting target language-focused activities and excursions with an emphasis on enrichment experiences.

Students also get a chance to interact with native speakers who help them build their confidence when communicating in the language that they are studying, in a variety of social situations. It doesn’t matter what your child or teen’s ability is, their experience can be brought up to exactly the right level needed to enrich their learning thus enabling them to engage with the target language as well as enjoy all the benefits mentioned above.

Remember, speaking a foreign language comes with countless benefits and always offers an advantage in our modern society.